
After two months, I’m finally getting around to posting about my Antigua trip and other than it being an absolutely unforgettable week, I left there with a new perspective I was not expecting or anticipating.

First off, the trip to Antigua wouldn’t have ever happened if it weren’t for Bridget. Bridget is a close family friend who lived on this beautiful island for three years (I believe) and every time I saw her, she would say “you need to come visit” and of course, I wanted to, but never actually started the planning. Next thing you know – she was moving back to that states and I thought I missed my opportunity.  Fortunately we caught up drinks over the holidays and she mentioned that she had to go back for a wedding. She was taking the entire week off and asked if I wanted to join her…..ummmm… brainer….I was booking a flight two days later, hoping she was serious because I DIDN’T CARE, I WAS GOING!!! 

The new perspective came from Bridget and her friends. These were seriously some of the nicest/happiest/friendliest people I have ever met.  And that is what I will remember the most about this trip! Yes, there was beauty surrounding me everywhere, but the way these “Islanders” made me feel like I was one-of-them meant more than anything! I know I will see Bridget again, and even if it’s only a few times a year, I can always count on tons of laughs with her, but I doubt I will see any of the people I met on this trip again, which makes me sad because they were SO.MUCH.FUN, but I can hope I do!!!

To recap the trip, Bridget was the PERFECT tour guide, she took me to all the best spots and many that only the “locals” know about, she drove me around while I was clinging for dear life (not because she was a bad driver at all, but because I am not used to being on the other side of the road) AND on top of all that, she had to pay for me the entire time because I lost my credit card the first night I was there.  Never have  I ever lost my credit card and to do it in a foreign country, without even knowing where I was staying added a bit of stress, but I got it back a couple nights before I left and paid Bridget back, but damn, talk about a mess!!!!

Shout out to my dad who forced $100 on me before I left, and I begrudgingly took it just so he would let it go – definitely learned my lesson.  I guess your parents can still teach you things at the age of 37!

Anyway, I tried taking notes on what we did and where we went, but I didn’t have my phone on me most of the trip and considering it’s been two months, I will just have to use pictures to share the beauty and the gist of my trip!

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